A new album is in the works! Music that imagines, music that evokes... Almost 2 years since the release of my first studio album 'Ravens', and it's time for another. Producer Mark Adam (from Ravens) is back to help guide and capture the recording of a selection of my chamber music compositions - and more songs! Adventures of the northern stars in the summertime...Ravens so mischievous and graceful... Flexible, healing willow branches... the bone-deep strength of Woman... and of course, Ice.

The recording will take place in Nova Scotia in April 2019.

On November 15th I played a fundraiser concert in Yellowknife at the Museum Auditorium. Mark Adam - producer of my first album Ravens was in Yellowknife to do pre-production work, and joined me in the concert along with Pat Braden, and Kathryn Oraas.

Many thanks to those who came to the concert, and thanks to everyone who helped support through my Indiegogo campaign!